There are more books than I can read, and there are more books right now than I can read right now. As a result I have a backup in my active to-be-read queue. I promoted The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton to the top of the list and recently finished it.
Right to the point - 5 out of 10, a poor rating. 7 1/2 had a novel story but executed in a way that did not work for me. Too many characters. Choppy story. Lenghty, lengthy, lengthy lows, with a couple promising but ultimately disappointing highs. Best categorized as a fantasy-mystery, it did not deliver on the hype. I appreciate a good mystery even though it is not my favorite genre, but not this one.
I can’t beat this dead horse any more. Godspeed to anyone who gives this one a whirl.