
I took yesterday off from my paid job. PTO - Paid Time Off. It’s an odd phrase, paid time off, as if off is not the normal state, or that off can even have a state, and needs to be qualified as paid. Not off is the real qualified state. Who is directing my attention right now? Me = default state = off. Not me = not off. I could make a valid point that all time is default state and not off is by choice, which is true, but because the consequences of not choosing not off are dire it is not realistic.

Anyway yesterday I was off and caught up on some general stuff, but it was more about mental balance than chore list. My attitude, which in default state is suspect enough, needed a little rebound time. While I think it was a successful use of time, the results are unmeasurable.

But today is another day, despite its rocky start. PA trout opener is today and my plans were postponed due to unanticipated circumstances. Lily and I were preparing to go on an early walk-&-sniff when the thunder started and we chose to go hide instead. With luck the rain will take a little PTO later and we will get some miles under our paws.

Good luck today.

See also