
A short while back I read a book called I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid. If I didn’t rate that book a 9 at the time I would now, in hindsight, because I still think about how creepy it was. I thought about that book as I was reading We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer. We Used to Live Here had a similar unsettling feel and very good writing and storytelling. [Read More]

Fast Start

2024 started as a fast book year. Seven complete - three books and four audio-books. Here’s a quick summary: Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney - Good for a who-done-it and picked up at the end. Gave it a 6. My Husband by Maud Ventura - I read a great review of this book. After finishing the book I don’t know what the reviewer was talking about. I think we read different books. [Read More]

Catch Up Again

My technical issues from late summer have passed and the site is still up. My host and I had different opinions about the way something behind the scenes should work. I tried to do what they asked, it didn’t work, nothing bad happened and on we go. My casual thought about completing 100 books in 2023 is looking more and more like reality. I’m working on 87, 88 and 89 now. [Read More]

Now, Where Were We?

Time passes and stuff happens but first we talk about books. I am on a run of average books. I did have two that I rated 8, and I’m working on another that may also get a favorable rank. The Hike by Drew Magary. I tend to favor books that I find original. This book was a little different than anything I read recently. No spoilers, but this book had a jolt that in hindsight I should have seen but entirely missed. [Read More]

Book Notes - 3 Books

Priorities. Stuff gets in the way. We are having some exciting times around here but there’s always time for a few quick book notes: It by Stephen King. I’m not intimidated by long books, but they do carry an extra burden of being good enough to carry the length. It was long enough that I tagged-teamed between the paper and audio books. I gave it an 8 and continue to stand by my opinion that Stephen King is a great writer. [Read More]

Book Note - Wish You Were Here

This is unrelated to the Pink Floyd song. I recently finished Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult. This was my first book from this author and I choose it because I read good things online about this book. I read a few books based on online recommendations over the past while and most are ok. No recommendation can be taken on its own, and I’ve learned that you have to look at a lot of reviews by one person (or group) before taking one seriously. [Read More]

Book Note Bonus - 2 Books and Birthday

I’m running behind a little bit. Maybe it’s my advancing age, or maybe I’m just noticing it more today than usual on the eve of another birthday. In order to do some catch up I’m doing a double book note. I just finished book 29 of the year and the pace is a little faster than it has been in previous years. I don’t post about every book for a variety of reasons, including that there I some where I don’t have anything to say about them and some where I’m not sure what I want to say. [Read More]

Book Note - The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand

It’s harder today with ebooks but in my days of cruising the aisles of the library I always though that an author with a whole shelf of books had to write good enough books to fill that shelf. In the event I needed a book and my go-to authors were either out or didn’t have anything new, volume of volumes gave me a signal on who to try. This strategy paid off with authors like Clive Cussler and Brad Thor. [Read More]

Book Note - Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow

For a while I though this book would beat me. Big page counts don’t intimidate me, although as I get older smaller fonts do. I started Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton in late 2020 or early 2021, with the goal of finishing it by the end of 2021. My intent was that it would be the non-fiction book that I would read around my fiction books and I’d finish it a bit at a time. [Read More]

Book Note - Tomorrow, And Tomorrow, And Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

I heard enough chatter about Tomorrow, And Tomorrow, And Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin that I added it to my to-be-read list and then dodged it for awhile. All I knew is that it was popular and I’ve been more hit than miss over the years with popular books. Little Fires Everywhere, Where the Crawdads Sing and Big Little Lies were all pretty good books. Others, like Caste, which probably deserves its own post, were misses. [Read More]