As far as I can remember this is the first time I started a reading year with 2 books rated 9 so early. There is balance in the Force and unfortunately for me, my book 15 this year was a dud and rated a 4. There was a glimmer of hope that the story would turn, and alas it did not. This book was so worthless that I’m not going to mention the title, with the hope it will fade from human memory.
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Peer Pressure
I suffer from a bit of fear of missing out on occasion with things that are culturally popular. It irritates me tremendously when people are talking about a book I have not read. As a result every once in a while I read something that I otherwise would not have.
In 2019 I read Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow, mostly because there was so much chatter about it. Sometimes you have to decide if what you are reading really is true and I finished that book believing every word.
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Book Note - The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
There are more books than I can read, and there are more books right now than I can read right now. As a result I have a backup in my active to-be-read queue. I promoted The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton to the top of the list and recently finished it.
Right to the point - 5 out of 10, a poor rating. 7 1/2 had a novel story but executed in a way that did not work for me.
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Common Appreciation
In addition to providing a much needed PTO day in mid-January, MLK Day also reminds me that Martin Luther King and I share a common appreciation.
In 1964 MLK won a Nobel Peace Prize and in 1967, Dr. King deemed another human worthy and nominated Thích Nhất Hạnh for the same honor.
Thích Nhất Hạnh (or Thich Nhat Hanh if your browser has trouble rendering the name properly) was a Buddhist, teacher and peacemaker.
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Book Note - The Maze by Nelson Demille
One week into 2023 and one book complete. First book of 2023 was The Maze by Nelson Demille. I read quite a few Demille books over the years and some of them were fantastic. Plum Island and its sequels, The Gold Coast, and my favorite Demille, The Charm School, were all great reads. I recommend all of those.
The Maze earned a rating of 6 out of 10 from me, a little below my average.
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Best Reads of 2022
9s and 10s
I ended 2022 with 53 completed books, a handful of ‘did not finish’ and no audiobooks, I did give The Boys a try on audio but ran out of time and enthusiasm. They first 2 chapters were good.
This year I read no books that I considered a 10, although one was close. I rate on an unbalanced scale of 0-10 for fiction:
10 - Engaging story, good flow, relatable characters, superior writing and impactful.
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